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Ski Resorts in Russia

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PhotoSki resort nameSki resort discriptionLocationRequest
Bannoe Ski resortMETALLURG-MAGNITOGORSK - BANNOE: SKI HOLIDAYS RESORTNew ski holidays resort is located on the mountains of South Ural region, close by Bannoe Lake. It is ecologically clear region with mild climate surrounded by picturesque mountains and forests. Metal... 500 km from Ekaterinburg. 40 km from Magnitogorsk, 25 km far from Abzakovo resort
Abzakovo Ski resortABZAKOVO: RUSSIAN MOUNTAINAbzakovo Health and Sport complex 460 km south from Ekaterinburg, this complex combines marvelous mountain ski, slalom and snowboard opportunities as well as good family recreation prospects. 15 km ro... 450 km from Ekaterinburg. 60 km from Magnitogorsk.
Mountain resorts: AdzhigardakADZHIGARDAK: MOUNTAIN RESORTS OF RUSSIALearn more about Mountain resorts of Russia for Skiing and Snowboarding weekends. Adzhigardak is located in the South of the Ural Region, on the picturesque western slopes of the mountain range. Clima... 450 km from Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk Oblast, 6 km from Asha
Russian ski: EzhovayaEZHOVAYA HILL: RUSSIAN SKI RESORTSScenic terrain and high quality services are reasons of the great popularity and dynamic development of this resort place. Hill Ezhovaya is one of the peaks of the so-called Laughing Mountains, which ... 120 km from Ekaterinburg, way to Nizhny Tagil, 8 km from Kirovograd
Volcjikha Ski resortVOLCHIKHA - WOLF MOUNTAIN: SKI RESORTVolchikha (Wolf Mountain) ski resort is situated in the west from Ekaterinburg, not far from Revda town. There are 4 slopes 700, 650 and 1200 m lengthwise with glide at 30-percent pitch. Trails are m... 40 km from Ekaterinburg, 5 km from Revda, Moscow Railway direction
BELAYA HILL: SNOW MOUNTAINBelaya Hill resort has been opened lately and there is much to be finished. Yet, there are three trails for skiers. A training trail, very long and broad, will be perfect for inexperienced skiers, bes... 150km from Ekaterinburg, 37 km from Nizhny Tagil, close to village Belogorka
Teplaya -Mountain ski resortsTEPLAYA HILL: MOUNTAIN SKI RESORTSTeplaya Hill is one of the most popular mountain ski resorts, especially among youths. It won popularity due to convenient location, low prices for lifts and night skiing. Besides, Russian Open Cup Co... 6 km from Pervouralsk, 40 km from Ekaterinburg
MikhailovskMIKHAILOVSK- VORONINA HILL: MOUNTAIN RESORTSAbundance of snow together with beautiful coniferous forest make Mikhailovsk ski resort popular among skiers. There are several trails, some of them are lightened up and available for night skiing. Yo... 130 km from Ekaterinburg, South-West. Mikhailovsk town
Skiing Resorts: Pilnaya HillPILNAYA HILL: SKIING RESORTSHill Pilnaya is the main top of the Pilny Mountains. A marvelous view over the Ural's nature, small village and pond opens from the slopes of the mountains. All the routes are equipped with two "SKADO... 38 km from Ekaterinburg, the top of the Pilny Mountains
Uktus EkaterinburgUKTUS: MOUNTAIN SKI CENTER IN EKATERINBURGThe slopes are 350 meters long and offer quite steep ups and downs. Uktus contours give you a unique opportunity to master mountain ski or improve your technique. This center is situated a few minutes... Ekaterinburg, 27, Zimnaya Street
winter resorts: stozhokSTOZHOK HILL: WINTER RESORTSThis winter resort place is situated in a picturesque part of the region. Hill Stozhok sports the vertical of 462 meters above the sea and gentle slopes. Vertical drop is 160 m. There is a 30-percent ... 57 km from Ekaterinburg, way to Nizhny Tagil
NIZHNIE SERGI: MOUNTAIN SKIINGEnjoy mountain skiing in Nizhnie Sergi, Russia. The matter of pride for Nizhnie Sergi is the picturesque mountain with a 20-percent pitch at the top but having gentle slopes. Two long trails run among... 110 km from Ekaterinburg, Moscow Highway
Listvennaya hill EkaterinburgLISTVENNAYA HILL: SNOW SKIING IN RUSSIASnow skiing in Russia is very popular. If you are in Ekaterinburg and you look for a good place to ski, not far from Ekaterinburg, you can choose Listvennaya Hill. There are two slopes which run west ... 6 km from town Berezovsky, close to Ekaterinburg
Motaikha-IsetMOTAIKHA (ISET): WINTER MOUNTAINIset winter mountain is one of the budget traditional places attended by the citizens of Ekaterinburg. There are two major route directions - northern and southern, which are 300 and 600 meters long a... village Iset, not far from Sredneuralsk (about 30 km)
FLUS: MOUNTAIN SKI RESORTSFlus mountain ski resort is powered by sport clubs Happy Life, Fakel and Akademia. Fakel and Akademia are situated not far from railway station Flus. One club, which is 500 meters from the station, ha... 40 km from Ekaterinburg, 7 km from Pervouralsk and Revda, railway station Flus (Revda-Druzhinino direction)
Kachkanar HillKACHKANAR HILL: ALPINE SKIINGKachkanar Hill is currently under construction. Resort is Closed! Take a look on this alpine skiing tour to Russia. The Kachkanar Range is known to separate Middle and Northern Urals, it sports o... 270 km from Ekaterinburg, 6 km from Kachkanar, the eastern slope of Kachkanar Hill
Zavjalikha -Mountains ResortZAVJALIKHA: SKIING & SNOWBOARDING RESORTCome to Zavjaliha mountains ski resort and enjoy the mountains, the spectacular views and the peace and quiet. Zavjaliha Hill is 860 m high with 13 designed trails for all skiers, from novice to advan... 370 km from Ekaterinburg. Trehgorny town -Chelyabinsk Oblast
Sun Valley Ski resort in RussiaSUNNY VALLEY SKI RESORT. MIASS CITYWelcome to Solnechnaya Dolina ski-resort in Russia. Solnechnaya Dolina means Sunny Valley in English. This ski resort is a famous one in Chelyabinsk Region. It offers 11 magnificent ski routes of diff... Miass, Chelyabinsk oblast. 250 km from Ekaterinburg
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